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Save costs and conserve resources with second-hand plastic recycling machines

Save costs and conserve resources with second-hand plastic recycling machines

For us as a company in the recycling industry, sustainability, circular economy and reusing resources play a major role. Some years ago, we recognized that we can contribute even more to conserving resources.

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Why does an extruder screw play an essential role in the recycling process?

Why does an extruder screw play an essential role in the recycling process?

An extruder screw makes it possible to process a wide range of materials efficiently.

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Buying a used recycling machine: 5 advantages

Buying a used recycling machine: 5 advantages

Time is money in today's fast-paced world of the recycling industry. Delays when buying a recycling machine do not only result in lost time.

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3 plastic recycling challenges and how to solve them

3 plastic recycling challenges and how to solve them

Recycling plastics is a crucial step on the road to a more sustainable future, despite 3 central plastic recycling challenges.

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How to quickly obtain available and affordable recycle machines for plastic

How to quickly obtain available and affordable recycle machines for plastic

Recyclers are often faced with the challenge of ensuring that production is cost-effective while focusing on processing the material streams that are available right now. In doing so, they need to avoid long delivery times for technologies and systems.

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