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Lettering Another life for plastic. Because we care.

UMAC is a member of the EREMA Group

Another life for plastic. Because we care.

A new life for plastics. Because we care about the environment.

We give plastic a new life - time after time. As the EREMA Group we change perspectives. That's because plastic "waste" is a resource that can be used to create new value. Again and again.

This is the idea that has inspired us from the very beginning and is deeply rooted in our company philosophy. That is why we focus on the reconditioning and sale of used machines and offer comprehensive services. We also look to work together with like-minded people who share the same vision.

Our goal is to conserve resources, close loops and drive forward the circular economy as a whole. Because we care about the environment.

Strength through diversity. And: A shared vision in the EREMA Group

UMAC, EREMA, PURE LOOP, 3S, KEYCYCLE, PLASMAC BLUEONE Solutions and POWERFIL together, they are the EREMA Group, a network of strong companies. Together we plan to do great things. Our vision is to make the circular economy for plastics a reality by 2030.

As the EREMA Group, we will strive to be the central force in achieving this goal. This is what we work for day after day - with a whole load of experience, passion and the determination to find new ways of doing things.

The companies in the EREMA Group

8 companies - 1 goal: Our customized solutions impress our customers. We cover all aspects of plastics recycling. Benefit from the extensive know-how and application-specific solutions provided by all companies in the EREMA Group.

EREMA Group logo with all 8 strong companies in the group EREMA Group logo with all 7 strong companies in the group

UMAC is part of the EREMA Group

Within the EREMA Group, UMAC stands for buying, reconditioning and selling used recycling machines.

UMAC customers benefit from the years of experience, technological know-how, innovative strength and stability of the whole EREMA Group.



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